Remedial Massage Therapy
Remedial massage is a great all over body treatment that can stimulate the blood supply to muscles, make joints more mobile, and help to repair damaged tissues at injury sites.
Expert advice to assist in your health & wellbeing
There are many different facets to Remedial Massage and many different types of therapists out there. Our Remedial Massage Therapist aims at providing a firm, deep tissue, hands on application, in the aim to target specific injury sites and fascial restriction and can use a great variety of techniques to normalise the area.
At MyoSports we provide a thorough assessment, including postural and fascial, to help provide a long-term treatment plan for the following conditions;
- Sporting injuries
- Muscle cramps and spasms
- Whiplash and headaches
- Muscular tension
- Postural tension and stiffness
Treatment modalities include;
- Deep tissue massage
- Remedial massage
- Sports massage techniques
- Cupping
- Myofascial Release
- Sports taping